Monday, January 24, 2011

George Takei and Sci-fi Concert

This week, with the Naples Philharmonic conducted by charismatic Jack Everly, we performed 7 Sci-fi concerts, which included E.T., Star Wars, Phantom Menace, all of the Star Trek themes, Star Trek 2009, the Jetsons, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Superman, ...and more.
And I got to meet one of my favorite celebrities, George Takei (Sulu on Star Trek). Oh My!

George was the narrator for the was quite the workout this week! If you know these pieces, you know they are VERY trumpet heavy. I was really impressed with Matt, the principal trumpeter of Naples Philharmonic. He has endless endurance! I enjoyed playing third-lots of melodies, and some fun low solos.

My favorite pieces of music were E.T. and Star Trek 2009 (just watched the movie again!). I was relieved that we ended up cutting the music to "Avator." Not great music...and I haven't seen the movie (I probably never will). This week definitely proved my sci-fi dork inside because now I want to rewatch a lot of movies and shows...(Star Trek: Next Generation for sure!)

Now it's time to practice completely different music-I have to memorize the Böhme and Leopold Mozart Concertos plus a commissioned piece this week before I go to Belgium. Good thing I work well getting work done last minute! :-)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

Hello everyone! This is my first blog post. I wanted to have one to write about music, trumpet, traveling, and to post photos from trips and performances! 

Here's a video about me that I made for the Youtube Symphony!